I caught this pic of Tweenie the other morning. It was so cold but this donkey was ready to play. Tweenie holds a special place in heart. We heard about her through a friend who contacted us to see if we would be interested in giving her a home. She was an hour away from us, so we loaded up and made the journey, not knowing what to expect. When we arrived, she was well cared for but that was not the case one owner before. She had been abused and neglected. The signs of that environment she came from were still a little obvious as she was slightly underweight. As soon as I was in the pen with her there at her former residence, I noticed her "friendliness." It was a bit alarming because she was very friendly and playful, perhaps even ROWDY! I did not know if it would work out or not, but I said we would take her. Donkeys really have a sad plight. No one really wants them. Their prices are far below horses. They eat like a horse and when grass and hay becomes scarce people feel trapped with them. They try to give them away, neglect them or some people even turn them loose. That would never have happened to Tweenie in her safe home she came to us from, but I knew we had to help her. I am not sure how long she has been with us, but it seems like she has always been here. She loves attention and is one of the first animals to come to you over the fence. That is why it is so hard for me to imagine what people had done to her before. We had trouble getting weight on her at first. She finally started filling back out. Tweenie is so at home at Fair Haven Farms. She has a personality that cannot help but make you smile and at time laugh out loud. There are other time that personality can be a bit too much. The other day she was behind me while I was taking pictures. She stood up on her hind legs and threw her front legs on my hips. She was going to ride a human. The thing about that is that she will not allow anything on her back. This donkey is certainly no beast of burden. She gets a little bit overbearing like that at times. She especially does that with new people. She just likes to introduce herself. That is exactly how she introduced herself to me years ago. I love that donkey. Where did her name come from? She is not a miniature donkey, but at the same time she is not the size of a standard. She is in between, hence the name Tweenie. The photo above was taken just after trying to saddle me up. She thought it was pretty funny. What a knucklehead! But, you gotta love her!
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